Pastoral Care
Our students are provided with a strong pastoral system giving them the support and care they need to realise their potential, make rapid progress and achieve.
We have a House System and every child is allocated to a House. The House System provides opportunities for students in all year groups to work together in friendly competition and earn a variety of different rewards. There is a weekly Reward Point Competition and students take part in several different House events during the course of the year from all areas of school life.
Parents and carers are encouraged to get involved with their child’s education and to visit the Academy on a regular basis, whether for special events or to hear about their child’s progress.
Our Human and Life Skills programme runs during morning registration and supports students in their personal, social, health and cultural education. A variety of topics will be covered ranging from Healthy eating, cyber safety, bullying, and careers education. Our weekly Academy assembly will support students across these topics and where we can, we will invite in outside speakers to develop students’ understanding further. We have developed an ‘everyday resilience programme’ which aims to promote resilience and provides students with the tools needed to manage their own wellbeing. We have appointed a Welfare Counsellor; Ms Jones is a trained counsellor and has significant experience of working with secondary age children. The well-being of all of our children is central to our ethos and this adds to our very strong programme of pastoral care. As well as having timetabled sessions, Ms Jones will offer drop in sessions at lunchtimes for any student who wishes to see her. In addition, our school nurse offers drop in sessions. At the Academy, we take bullying and its impact seriously. Any known incidents of bullying are dealt with and bullying is not tolerated. If bullying does become an issue, we act quickly and sensitively, and our firm approach ensures that it stops. We keep parents informed every step of the way.