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We were very proud to accompany our students to the Jack Petchey Awards ceremony on Tuesday evening. They received awards for being superb role models, overcoming challenges and showing us what we mean when we say 'Make a Difference'. We are so proud of all of them all!


We welcomed many Year 11 students to our Sixth Form Open Evening. It was great to meet enthusiastic students and hear about their A level study aspirations. Our departments showcased their subjects and provided insights into studying at A level.


The Y13 Biology had an amazing time at the FSC Juniper Hall Ecology Trip. Students developed invaluable ecological knowledge and practical skills that will help them with their A-Levels and also give them a greater appreciation of nature and wildlife going forward in life!


The tasting zone was a great success today at lunchtime. Students enjoyed delicious food prepared by an expert chef, including sushi and chickpea wraps.


Yesterday, we held our MacMillan Coffee Morning. Students brought in over 1000 cakes to sell in support of Macmillan Cancer Charity. Thanks to everyone who brought in or bought a cake. It was a fantastic day!


Please note that entry to the event is by ticket only. Book your tickets now using this link -


We are pleased to invite prospective families to our Sixth Form Open Evening on the 8th of October at 5:30PM. This event offers a great opportunity to tour our school and engage with our students and teachers. Please visit our website for more information and how to book tickets.


This summer, our new Year 11 students had the opportunity to participate in UCL's renowned  Festival of Engineering!


Yesterday was our open evening! We were thrilled to meet the prospective students and hope they enjoyed visiting our school!


Students can be seen doing some Audition Prep for Beauty and the Beast! It is not too late to audition... Come along tomorrow 3.15pm to audition to be in a tale as old as time!!


Congratulations to all of our Year 11s on their outstanding GCSE results. We are very proud of them all.


Which eggs will survive the drop?! More fun at Summer School


Lots of fun at Summer School with our new Year 7s!


Today is a day of celebration! We are immensely proud of our students' accomplishments throughout the year. Well done everyone!


We are delighted to share all the photographs from Outdoor Activity Week and Aim High Week. It has been a fantastic week and everyone has really shown their resilience.


We are thrilled to share the exhilarating experiences of our Year 9 Cadets during their recent deployment to Longmoor Training Camp. This unforgettable adventure was packed with a diverse range of activities designed to challenge and inspire our students!


Our Year 10s embarked on a series of enriching University Visits over the week, and the experiences were nothing short of remarkable, leaving our students inspired and broadening their horizons into the world of different careers!


Year 7 & 8 had a brilliant time at the residential in Kent, they were able to learn new skills, for example learning how to make fire as well asfacing their fears of heights. It was a wonderful experience and all students showed resilience and leadership in the activities.


It's Heritage Day at HAWI! It is wonderful to see students and staff dressed in their traditional attire and enjoying music and food together!


Tonight is our Art Exhibition ! We are proud of our talented students and excited to share their amazing creations with you!

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All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Human and Life Skills

The purpose of the Human and Life Skills’ curriculum at Harris Academy Wimbledon is to provide all our students, regardless of gender, sexuality, disability, or religion, with a ‘curriculum for life’.

Human and Life Skills Overview

Our Human and Life Skills curriculum develops essential knowledge, skills and attributes that contribute to a positive and productive life experience. Through engagement in the Human and Life Skills curriculum, students will further their knowledge of contemporary issues and be equipped with the skills to unpack and understand increasingly complex and challenging scenarios. Students will develop skills that are highly prized in the workplace through discussion, teamwork and debate in a variety of situations. Throughout, students develop their self-confidence and esteem, raising aspiration and preparing them to take their place in society and make a difference.

Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) is a core part of the Human and Life Skills Curriculum. When students leave us, we want them to understand what being in a healthy and respectful relationship entails and to respect the fact that relationships can take many different forms. For further information on our RSE provision, please see our RSE Policy (September 2019). 

How is the Human and Life Skills Curriculum delivered?

Here at the Academy, we follow a thematic approach to aid the successful delivery of the curriculum. We cover; Families and Respectful Relationships, Online safety, Being Safe and Intimate Sexual Health, Mental Wellbeing and Physical Health, Substance misuse and Health Prevention and Adolescence.

These key themes are addressed sequentially, year on year and cover the RSE statutory guidance and topics highlighted by the PSHE Association. This approach mirrors the maturation of the students and enables complex and relevant issues to be tackled in more depth over time. Each key theme is broken down into discreet lessons that serve to inform students about the facts, legalities and different viewpoints of important issues. In lessons, students are encouraged to discuss issues with their peers, serving to break down barriers and build relationships of trust and mutual respect. These discussions are chaired by Tutors who have received training in how to deliver such topics. The outcomes are that students are better equipped to talk about the issues that affect them and know what frameworks are in place for their protection and for society as a whole.

Human and Life Skills are addressed during Deep Learning Days. Deep Learning Days are days in the school calendar that are set aside to focus on key aspects of the curriculum, best suited to be delivered over the course of a day. The curriculum focuses these days on careers, workplace skills and economic education. At Key Stage 3, they culminate in the outdoor activity week, a time when all students are invited to develop soft skills outside of the classroom. All Year 9 students take part in the prestigious Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award scheme and have the opportunity to progress onto the Silver Award in Year 10

Our assembly programme serves to address key contextual issues for our students and their communities. It enables assembly leaders to be responsive to the needs and challenges that occur throughout the lives of our students. It is a forum in which staff and external presenters can discuss notable dates such as Black History Month, Holocaust Awareness and others. Assemblies begin with a performance from our students, raising awareness of the talents and abilities of peers and giving students a chance to appreciate cultural capital.

We use the Human and Life skills curriculum to respond to contextual matters within and around our school community. This dynamic response has most recently served to inform our students about mental health following the pandemic, sexual harassment and consent, and the conflict in Eastern Europe. This flexibility ensures that we are able to adapt to the needs of our students, thus ensuring that we deliver our, ‘curriculum for life’.